Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jowl Candy and TTCBCOAB #31

The late Douglas Adams lamented there are "things that there should be words for, but aren't," which led him to write The Meaning of Liff, a sort of dictionary of new words like:

ABILENE (adj.)
Descriptive of the pleasing coolness on the reverse side of the pillow.

And there is the follow-on book, The Deeper Meaning of Liff. So it was that, while having a quiet, interspecies moment with my basenji Rio, I decided there needed to be, if not a completely new word, at least a descriptive phrase for the soft folds of skin beneath his jaw. Not jowl. Something more evocative. Why jowl candy, of course! Perhaps someone will eventually come up with a new word, an onomatopoeic concoction, but for now jowl candy will do.

After a pleasant ride to Costco and back, here's are some more things that can be carried on a bicycle (TTCBCOAB): Jug of laundry detergent, bag of microfiber towels, two cases of Cliff bars, a package of sunscreen, a package of shaving razors, and a bundle of paper towels.

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